
Yangmingshan National Park: Hiking Qixingshan - Xiaoyoukeng

If you like this view and are keen on hiking just keep reading!

Once a day in Hongkong I discovered an amazing hiking blog. You were just able to follow the photographs to reach unique hiking spots, waterfalls, peaks. I want to share the same idea with a post about hiking in the Yangmingshan National Park (my aim: to reach the highest peak Qixingshan (1'120 m) and then further to Xiaoyoukeng).

Start early and take the first connection with bus #9. You can find the Bus Station just behind the MRT Station Beitou:

It takes around 20 minutes then get off 2nd Parking Lot (1 stop before Xiaoyoukeng):

There is a useful information map. You can do many things and maybe you decide for another hike...

Then turn right and enter the park area:

This is the visitors centre and you can see the direction sign:

Maybe the centre is worth a visit. I went just straight to the hike and always followed the Mt. Quixin Main Peak Trail.

So follow the sign and walk a bit up the street. After 2-3 minutes you will enter the park and start walking the steps:

Yes, there are many steps. Just follow them!

If you're lucky you'll spot some jumping squirells:

Keep on walking...

No, we didn't finish yet. Go on! The foot steps are getting bit steeper now:

Don't forget to turn your sight around from time to time. You'll got the first great views over Taipeh City...

...cause 5 minutes later: There is no view anymore.

The weather conditions are changing every minute. So be sure to bring a rain jacket. It was freaking windy on the top. I had to hold myself on the wooden thing during picture time:

Now the descent starts. After 5 minutes walking down the fog is gone... You can see over Taipeh - amazing!

Panorama 1:

Panorama 2 :

Now guess what - follow down the stairs...

Some Sulfur spots - smells like rotten eggs but impressive anyway!

You made it... as soon as you can see the Bus Station:

Bus 108 brings you straight back to Taipeh or to another hiking spot - because: The whole thing takes you just 4-5 h (Start and end at Beitou Station). If you are a bit more ambitious you can do one more peak!

Have fun and take care. Bring your equipment as usual. And - prepare your legs for hundreds of steps!

#On My Way Hostel



台灣人情味!?& 馬來西亞人必去的5個台北景點!

先簡單介紹自己,我是德廷,馬來西亞人,22歲。 畢業後我在台灣呆了兩個月,原本以為是一個人的流浪,誰知道,oh my god...這期間來台灣玩的馬來西亞人多到......多到感覺我還呆在馬來西亞,因為每個星期都差不多有幾位大馬朋友來台灣玩。為什麼呢?通常原因一定有這五個字-- 台灣人情味 OK,很多人說,台灣最美的風景是人,我很認同。很多朋友問我:誒,我去台灣要去哪裡?要怎樣才能感受台灣的人情味? 我的回答是:不能強求的wor,如果你要感受台灣人情味的話,很難跟你說要怎麼樣。 因為這裡的人情味是出自於“愛”,對這個環境的愛,對周遭人事物的愛,對文化的愛等等。 “愛”是可遇不可求,強求只會傷了自己。啊! 像是我住的hostel “台北。途中 on my way” 就是一個充滿愛的地方。 如果你來台灣,我強力推薦你來這裡。因為這裡的員工,待人都很真誠。 至少我覺得,這是我在這次旅程待過最有愛的地方-“台北。途中 on my way”。 整個hostel設計很warm,有一種家的感覺。環境乾淨,設施齊全,這是一定的。 這裡的Staff在晚上時,會值班到晚上十二點。如果你晚上沒有行程的話,不妨提早回hostel,坐在一樓的桌子,跟這裡的staff聊天哈啦。如果你們有緣,相信我,你會覺得on my way是個台北最漂亮景點之一。 以下是我個人推薦台北五個“必去”的景點(馬來西亞第一次去的人版本): 1.淡水- 漁人碼頭 這裡一定要在下午五點前抵達,夕陽是必看的!如果你錯過這個時間點,哎呀,我看你還是換一下你的行程,等第二天再來,不然很浪費啦。 我跟你講,這裡的夕陽是我看過最漂亮的夕陽之一。 整個鹹蛋黃般的太陽漸漸落下,金黃色的天空,配上一片大海,整個人會融化。 如果你單身,沒關係,很多旅人會陪你(拍肩)。 如果你跟另一半去,可以走走情人橋。 然後呢,看完夕陽,那座橋會開始亮燈,五光十色的,很漂亮。 到了夜晚,就可以離開了。 交通:搭捷運到“淡水站”,然後出了捷運站往右走到巴士站,坐巴士去。(只要看到有去“漁人碼頭”的巴士都可以上。最好預個45分鐘for搭bus,因為有時會塞車或者要花時間等巴士來。3點半這樣到捷運站是最保險的啦。 我朋友拍的夕陽照! 2. 野柳地質公園 野柳最著名的就

目前途中台北全館的光纖網路正在進行改接,中華電信通知網路影響將持續至今日深夜,若有即時需求請直接電洽 (02)2891-0230,造成不便,敬請見諒。⚠️⚠️⚠️

On My Way . Taipei Hostel / 途中.台北 青年旅舍 青年旅館 https://ift.tt/1NOa70E www.onmywayhostel.com 途中 青年旅舍 青年旅館


幾個月前,<途中‧台北> 嘗試舉辦第一次的 打工換宿計畫,10幾位朋友提出了申請, Few months ago, we held an "Work Exchange" Program. And about 15 friends joined with us. 和一般的換宿不同,我們不希望換宿者只是幫忙掃地、倒垃圾、鋪床,而是由他們自己決定用什麼樣的 "工作" 來交換 在這樣的狀況下,許多朋友都展現了他們的興趣、專長、技術,讓我們 "換到" 了一些 "好東西" . . In stead of doing the cleaning job, we would like these friends to do some "mission" they want to do. At the end, some of them did very great job! 現在,我們決定開放第二階段的 "暑期打工換宿計畫",邀請更多的朋友一起來 <途中> 過暑假! Now, here comes the "Work Exchange Part II". Welcome to join us~ 詳細換宿資訊 & 申請方式,請見: http://www.onmywayhostel.com.tw/promotions2013004exchange